J1odi Rouah
The reproductive journey can be an eye-opening and profoundly moving experience. We all have astoundingly different experiences through infertility, conception, pregnancy, birth, postpartum and parenting. Yet, no one talks to us, teaches us or helps us to feel well prepared for this time in our lives.
Often individuals and couples find their way to Counselling & Co. to help navigate and prepare for each phase of the reproductive journey and the multiple transitions we experience in parenthood. We are here to help you with each of the following experiences:
Preparing to bring baby home, Advocating for pregnancy and birthing preferences with care providers, Family, pregnancy and birth planning, Managing the transition to parenthood, Mom guilt, Postpartum anxiety & depression, Stress & overwhelm, Mom rage, Parental burnout, Pregnancy loss & misscarriage, Stillbirth & infant loss, Traumatic birth, Loss of identity and grief, Body image, Self-care, Back to work planning, Attachment parenting, Feeding decisions+